
授業科目名  英語L(上級)
時間割番号 055122D
担当教員名 ヘネベリー.S
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・木・I 単位数 2
人数制限 60人
This listening class will focus on authentic English audio.
The goal of this course is to improve students listening comprehension by listening to native dialogs and talks.
In this course students will practice listening to authentic audio of native English speakers. Students will begin each class with short discussions about the current topic before beginning the listening practice. Each unit will end with a short quiz. Students will also keep a weekly "Listening Journal" for homework.
1小テスト/レポート課題 70  %Short quizzes and essays 
2平常点/出席点 30  %Attendance and participation are very important in this course 
This is a listening class, so attendance is VERY important.<BR>Students will NOT be able to make-up missed quizzes for unexcused absences.<BR>Students can check for updated information on this course on my website.<BR><a href="http://www.ccn.yamanashi.ac.jp/~henneberry/Courses.html">http://www.ccn.yamanashi.ac.jp/~henneberry/Courses.html</a><BR>If you have any questions about this course, please contact me by email<BR>henneberry@yamanashi.ac.jp
  1. A textbook has not been selected for this course yet. Please check http://www.ccn.yamanashi.ac.jp/~henneberry/Courses.html for updated information.
he schedule for this course will be decided as the semester proceeds. The material will be paced to match the abilities of the students.