
授業科目名  英語L(上級)
時間割番号 055122B
担当教員名 アレン,G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・木・I 単位数 2
The aim of this course is to build students' confidence in listening to English by teaching them to listen appropriately, understand correctly and make sense of what they hear in a variety of real-life situations.
The goal is for students to acquire confidence in listening to English, understand what people say in a variety of everyday situations and be able to respond effectively.
In class a textbook and CDs will be used which present authentic material from a variety of sources: conversations, recorded messages, radio broadcasts, announcements, weather reports, etc. This material and the related exercises will teach students to listen for different purposes and to make assumptions and predictions about the various situations.
1試験:定期試験 50  %final examination 
2小テスト/レポート課題 30  %reports 
3平常点/出席点 20  %attendance and class performance 
In addition to the work involving the textbook the students will be required from time to time to hand short reports relating to cultural aspects of the topics dealt with in the textbook. Students should use class time well by participating positively in the lesson. They should arrive at class in good time. They should prepare and review lessons thoroughly. If all the work done in class is carefully reviewed, the final examination will be no problem.
  1. Lin Lougheed, Learn to listen (Student's Book 3), MacMillan Languagehouse, ISBN:4-89585-443-4
Textbook and additional listening exercises will be used in class.<BR>The progress of the class will depend on the students' needs and abilities.