
授業科目名  英語C(中級)
時間割番号 055111A
担当教員名 ヘネベリー.S
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・火・I 単位数 2
This course is aimed at improving students' ability to express themselves in English. Students will get extensive practice in both speaking and writing in this course.
At the end of this course students will be able to:<BR>&#8226;Have a four-minute conversation using only English<BR>&#8226;Learn to "notice" new words and phrases in conversation<BR>&#8226;Create a personal collection of vocabulary, hints, and phrases for more fluent English communication
Students will spend class time in groups practicing conversation strategies and having practice conversations. <BR>All homework and quizzed for this course will be completed online. <BR>Homework and quizzes are preparation for class, so late work will not be accepted.
1試験:定期試験 20  %The final exam will be a 4 minute conversation with a partner. 
2小テスト/レポート課題 50  %Five 10 point quizzes 
3平常点/出席点 30  %This is a conversation course, so attendance and participation are very important. 
Mr. Henneberry's 英語C中 and 英語C上 courses use the same textbook and plan, only the pace of the course is different. <BR>Students should NOT take both courses. <BR>If you have any questions about this course, please contact me by email <BR>( henneberry@yamanashi.ac.jp )
  1. Nice Talking With You, Second Edition, Macmillan LanguageHouse, ISBN:4895855031
  1. Stephen Henneberry, http://www.dokusha.com/moodle,
    (This is a web site which will be used extensively during this course.)
In this course we will complete the first five units of the textbook.<BR>Unit 1 Self-Introductions<BR>Unit 2 Family<BR>Unit 3 Sports<BR>Unit 4 Food<BR>Unit 5 Part-time jobs