
授業科目名 日本語初中級IA
時間割番号 056005A
担当教員名 奥村 圭子
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・月・II 単位数 2
All students who wish to attend the course must take the Placement Test in Japanese on the 3rd of April.
1. 日常生活や大学生活のなかでうまくコミュニケーションをするため、初級レベルで勉強した文法・語彙・表現を復習し、適宜正確に使うことができるようになる。
2. 身近な話題について、5分ほどの簡単なスピーチができるようになる。
Upon successful completion of the course, students will: 
1. become able to communicate in Japanese appropriately and accurately in everyday situations;
2. become able to conduct a five-minute speech in Japanese.
Basic grammar, vocabulary, and expressions will be reviewed. With special emphasis on accuracy development, speaking and listening exercises will be carried out for effective communication.
出席と授業への参加度 20% 宿題 20% 小テスト20% スピーチ 40%  
Final evaluation will be given for :
1. Attendance and class participation 20%;
2. Homework 20%;
3. Small tests 20%;
4. Speech 40%.
Students are required to attend more than 2/3 of the classes to obtain credits from this course.
Successful language learning can be achieved through a cumulative process. For this reason, consistent attendance at classes is of vital importance.
  1. 『J. Bridge』  , 凡人社, ISBN:4893584979
  2. 副教材や参考書は、授業時に紹介します。